the last of us drawing
The Last of Us 2 Fan Shares Gorgeous Watercolor Art Of Joel
While challenging, watercolor art is not off the table for talented The Last of Us 2 fans, with one using the style to perfectly capture Joel.
It is no secret that The Last of Us 2 community is very passionate, with fans often sharing art pieces that pay tribute to the game's cast of characters. One The Last of Us 2 player has continued this trend with a gorgeous version of Joel, completely nailing the character's design.
This Last of Us 2 artwork has come in several different forms; traditional drawings have seen Abby and Ellie become friends, while fans have also used pencils to show Joel and Ellie playing guitar together. Digital art has focused on crafting posters for the game or providing unique takes on certain characters, while gouache art has shown Ellie on her own and with Dina. Now, one fan has embraced the watercolor style to draw Joel.
While some unique Joel art has been seen before, this new piece certainly stands out. The chosen art style is a tough one to master, though Redditor Ersnmrt has shown what can be accomplished once someone has gotten the hang of it. In the image, Joel can be seen wearing a blue shirt alongside his weapon holster, which is the same outfit he wore when rescuing Ellie from the Fireflies. With this scene being so integral to the sequel's story, and shown again at the start of the game, Ernsmrt chose a great moment to pay tribute to.
Aside from Joel's shorter hair and outfit being spot on, the art shines because of just how much detail there is to spot. The Last of Us 2 fans should be able to notice the bloody cuts on Joel's face instantly, though close inspection will show that some of this blood has dripped onto his neck and shirt. Hair can be seen on his chest, while individual strands of the graying hair on his head can also be picked out. With wrinkles visible on Joel's face as well, the artist did a terrific job of capturing his look.
Unsurprisingly, this Last of Us 2 artwork has been met with plenty of praise from fans. The post boasts a solid 1,000 upvotes and a few dozen supportive comments. While some make jokes out of Joel's love for coffee, or spoof quotes from the game, an overwhelming majority of responses to the art see people sharing their amazement with the fan's hard work. Tributes like these make it clear just how popular Joel is, with many having a deep attachment to this complex character and his tragic story.
While it remains to be seen if The Last of Us remake will turn out to be real, fans will be able to spend more time with Joel through The Last of Us HBO series. With art like this continuing to be made for the in-game version, hopefully fans are just as positive about Pedro Pascal's take on the character.
The Last of Us 2 is available now on PS4.
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Richard Warren (1875 Articles Published)
A lifelong gamer and comics fan who loves writing about everything in nerd culture... and has a small addiction to trophy and achievement hunting.
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