How To Create Stick Figures
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![]() | If the thought of spandex-clad stick figures on bicycles enrages you then you'll probably like this article ( | ![]() | 114 | |
More: PSA, Cycling, Miles per hour, speed limit, Bicycle, Autobahn, Speed limit, Speed, 15-mph speed limit |
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4415 clicks; posted to Main » on 25 Nov 2021 at 11:45 AM (10 days ago) | Favorite | share:
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How To Create Stick Figures
Posted by:
That's a good call on captive walkways like that.
If only Republican cyclists wouldn't ruin it for everyone else we wouldn't need speed limits like this ... [he mused as he baited the hook]
There were 241 reported collisions involving bicyclists on the bridge from 2010 to 2019, 58% of which resulted in at least one person being taken to a hospital, according to the study. Most of these incidents involved a single cyclist.
Who the fark is this asshole.
nijika: That's a good call on captive walkways like that.
If only Republican cyclists wouldn't ruin it for everyone else we wouldn't need speed limits like this ... [he mused as he baited the hook]
This is in San Francisco. I'm sure the three Republicans there are ok with it.
From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I remember back in 2005 I had a buddy who tried to ticket bicyclists because he was clocking them going around 45 mph in a heavily pedestrian traveled road that had a cap of 20 mph. These were high performance bikes with space age carbon frames traveling downhill.
The judges did not agree with the tickets and told him to knock it off.
How are they going to accomplish this when the entire bridge and adjacent city are under a mile-high mound of feces?
I put a lot of the blame on ebikes. Before ebikes, it took a pretty strong rider to be able to more than 15 or 20mph, and that (usually, but not always) meant that the rider was experienced with bike handling, the rules of the road, and so on.
Now, any idiot can press a button and ride at over 30mph (with easy-to-find firmware mods) their first time out. These newbie idiots take great delight in zipping along the sidewalk on a bike they don't know how to handle...
Sure, bikers were often annoying before, but the new ebikers on the road are downright dangerous.
Looks spandexy to me
Girl Biker Performs - You Must See
jaivirtualcard: From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I'm wearing spandex right now, after finishing a nice morning ride, so I'm getting a kick out of this thread.
/ I'm also pooping at the moment, which is why I'm on Fark.
winedrinkingman: I remember back in 2005 I had a buddy who tried to ticket bicyclists because he was clocking them going around 45 mph in a heavily pedestrian traveled road that had a cap of 20 mph. These were high performance bikes with space age carbon frames traveling downhill.
The judges did not agree with the tickets and told him to knock it off.
Your buddy was a cop?
jaivirtualcard: There were 241 reported collisions involving bicyclists on the bridge from 2010 to 2019, 58% of which resulted in at least one person being taken to a hospital, according to the study. Most of these incidents involved a single cyclist.
Who the fark is this asshole.
For real. And why isn't he / she married? A good spouse is what this careless, reckless person needs.
DRTFA: jaivirtualcard: From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I'm wearing spandex right now, after finishing a nice morning ride, so I'm getting a kick out of this thread.
/ I'm also pooping at the moment, which is why I'm on Fark.
Do you also do Crossfit and practice Veganism?
Great, I'll be sure keep an eye on the speedometer that my bicycle, like all bicycles, totally has
Every time I'm at an event with members of the sf randonneur group, I always get the impression that people from sf are just as big of assholes as they are. I remember one event in France where a person was being treated for a heart attack that caused a mass crash. The paramedics were there treating people and others were helping people fix their bikes. A guy with a sf rando jersey on plows right through everyone biatching about how they were slowing him down. All sf randos are the same sort of asshole - complete and absolute.
They're probably the cause of virtually "accident" on the bridge and the reason there is a speed limit. Those pieces of shiat give all bike riders a bad name.
Mr. Shabooboo: DRTFA: jaivirtualcard: From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I'm wearing spandex right now, after finishing a nice morning ride, so I'm getting a kick out of this thread.
/ I'm also pooping at the moment, which is why I'm on Fark.
Do you also do Crossfit and practice Veganism?
No, he practices coprophagia
jaivirtualcard: There were 241 reported collisions involving bicyclists on the bridge from 2010 to 2019, 58% of which resulted in at least one person being taken to a hospital, according to the study. Most of these incidents involved a single cyclist.
Who the fark is this asshole.
And get them a partner!!!
jaivirtualcard: From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
Spandex is absolutely the sign of a douche. A good pair of bike shorts will literally save your ass on a long ride, but there is absolutely no one outside of professional racers that are gonna get some kind of benefit from not wearing a pair of something else over them. Mountain bikers do that all the time, and have even created bike shorts that just look like shorts.
Riding a bike is a fantastic thing. It is awesome for your cardio, low impact on your joints, and it gets you out of the farkin' house. But this never, ever needs to be any kind of thing.
kryptoknightmare: Great, I'll be sure keep an eye on the speedometer that my bicycle, like all bicycles, totally has
There is a stretch along my former commute that has a 10MPH limit. It rides along a park where a lot of people walk and play soccer, so it is a reasonable thing.
I don't have a speedo on my bike. I just ride slower and more carefully when I'm there.
jaivirtualcard: From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
Correct. And I note that new speed limit appears to be the result of speeding e-bikes. As a man-powered roadie I have no problem with a 15mph limit on a bridge like that.
The joys of walking along our local rails to trails path and having some biker dooosh fly by yelling at everybody to get out of his way.
FarkaDark: The joys of walking along our local rails to trails path and having some biker dooosh fly by yelling at everybody to get out of his way.
Hit send too early.
Most people on bikes (me included) are pretty cool about sharing the space. But there's always gotta be one .....
FarkaDark: The joys of walking along our local rails to trails path and having some biker dooosh fly by yelling at everybody to get out of his way.
The joys of riding our local rails to trails path and having some pedestrians moseying down the path, blocking the whole farking thing.
"The study found that cyclists travel at average speeds of 17 mph to 21 mph on the west sidewalk - where no pedestrians are allowed - and at speeds of 9 mph to 17 mph on the east sidewalk, depending on the time of day."
Also article:
"There was also about an equal number of collisions on both sidewalks, the study states."
So.....the accident rate has nothing to do with speed or pedestrian/bike mix and this is another speed related revenue grab unlikely to do anything to reduce injuries. Got it.
The main issue with bicycles is that they need infrastructure that we don't have. Bikes aren't cars and they aren't pedestrians. So neither the road nor the sidewalk is a good fit.
Dedicated bike lanes would solve a lot of problems, improving both public safety and health. So we should work on that.
But cyclists need to respect that when no bike lane exists & they are in a car lane, they have to follow the same rules car do. So they should work on that.
jaivirtualcard: From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I thought it was dumb before I started doing skinny tire stuff.
It's absolutely critical.
Average outside "quick" ride for me is around 20 miles. This is completed in a little over an hour depending on what route I take. I'm slow and fat and old with roughly 10% of my joints seriously unhappy. It's why I cycle instead of run or mountain bike.
Having the wind turn you in to a flappy flappy sail the whole time is murder.
Having my bony ass mate to the seat without the ass-pad in my cycling shorts or leggings is murder.
Getting a pair of pants if sweats gutted by the front sprocket is just stupid.
When I'm going through the park with my girlfriend, riding with her son, or pedaling down the street to the beer garden I'm in normal clothes doing normal speeds. I'll put a rubber band aeoind my pant leg to keep it from getting digested.
I actually never go fast on bike trails unless it is empty. Going fast in close proximity to folks on foot or kids on bikes is stupid and makes you an asshole, no matter who you voted for.
LewDux: Looks spandexy to me
[YouTube video: Girl Biker Performs - You Must See]
I wish I was a bicycle.
SomeAmerican: But cyclists need to respect that when no bike lane exists & they are in a car lane, they have to follow the same rules car do. So they should work on that.
The rule most bikers fail to understand while they are on surface streets is F = ma.
SomeAmerican: The main issue with bicycles is that they need infrastructure that we don't have. Bikes aren't cars and they aren't pedestrians. So neither the road nor the sidewalk is a good fit.
Dedicated bike lanes would solve a lot of problems, improving both public safety and health. So we should work on that.
But cyclists need to respect that when no bike lane exists & they are in a car lane, they have to follow the same rules car do. So they should work on that.
I mean, drivers also need to work on that. And they're the ones operating deadlier equipment, do.
iamskibibitz: nijika: That's a good call on captive walkways like that.
If only Republican cyclists wouldn't ruin it for everyone else we wouldn't need speed limits like this ... [he mused as he baited the hook]
This is in San Francisco. I'm sure the three Republicans there are ok with it.
Given the number of NIMBYs in the Bay Area, they are - at best - DINOs.
johnny_vegas: jaivirtualcard: So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I'll allow it.
I'll also allow it.
LewDux: Looks spandexy to me
[YouTube video: Girl Biker Performs - You Must See]
When I die I want to come back as the front tire on that bike.
ukexpat: Correct. And I note that new speed limit appears to be the result of speeding e-bikes. As a man-powered roadie I have no problem with a 15mph limit on a bridge like that.
My walking commute, yes, crosses over the same mostly separated bike lane twice each way ( eat shiat allowing construction to shut down sidewalk and crossing city of Seattle). Now, that commute is often in the twilight or dark both ways. I'm being more cautious than when I lived here before because of the growing amount of faster, bigger ebikes. It's startling because they are so quiet, essentially silent in the loud transit and car corridor on that short route. I kinda want one, but some of these folks ride like dicks.
Rent Party: SomeAmerican: But cyclists need to respect that when no bike lane exists & they are in a car lane, they have to follow the same rules car do. So they should work on that.
The rule most bikers fail to understand while they are on surface streets is F = ma.
Be nice if they didn't use heavily trafficked roads as a gym as well. Yes, you can exercise, but you need to realize you probably won't be able to maximize that exercise under all conditions. And yes, it's just as annoying when joggers use well traveled ped trails as a track.
DarksideHalo: johnny_vegas: jaivirtualcard: So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I'll allow it.
I'll also allow it.
[ image 505x877]
[ image 850x850]
Thank you for bringing light & happiness to a Thanksgiving morning.
LewDux: Looks spandexy to me
What, you think I'm gonna watch some girl just ride a bike in a circle for 6 minutes?
/I'd do it again, too.
If you meet an asshole in the morning, you just met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long then the cycling enthusiast is you.
/kidding of course
//still wish the US was more like Holland as far as cycling is concerned
jaivirtualcard: There were 241 reported collisions involving bicyclists on the bridge from 2010 to 2019, 58% of which resulted in at least one person being taken to a hospital, according to the study. Most of these incidents involved a single cyclist.
Who the fark is this asshole.
I think you are misreading this. I took it to mean that the accidents are caused by a cyclist who is not in a relationship. If we can just get this guy a date, it would mean huge improvements in safety.
Couldn't read the article, assume it was about speed limits for bikes.
I encountered a bike speed limit yesterday for the very first time on a wide walkway through a park and area of soccer and baseball fields. The limit was 15mph. It was flat so I still haven't been able to test the 30mph my bike should do. Luckily the "sidewalks" were the same level as the grass for a quick avoidance, but still 8 to 10mph was about all I could do with people walking while I was riding and stay in control.
Buying an ebike first requires a decision of whether to get a stealth bike, which really doesn't look electric, or one that looks like a motor cycle. The stealth also hide a very powerful and fast machine that goes way more than the 28mph federal limit for a no-license plate "assisted" bike.
And bike shops rejoice at selling speedometers to cyclists and selling calibration services.
I'm not in great shape, but on flat terrain on my mountain bike I can hit 20mph. Give me a tail wind, a slight slope, or just a burst of effort and I can breach it.
DarksideHalo: johnny_vegas: jaivirtualcard: So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I'll allow it.
I'll also allow it.
[ image 505x877]
[ image 850x850]
I can feel the excitement!
Still trying to figure out how to put a diesel on a bicycle.
jaivirtualcard: There were 241 reported collisions involving bicyclists on the bridge from 2010 to 2019, 58% of which resulted in at least one person being taken to a hospital, according to the study. Most of these incidents involved a single cyclist.
Who the fark is this asshole.
I think that means 1 bike vs 1+ pedestrian, instead of bike vs bike collisions -- not referring to one specific individual in all of the collisions.
Regardless, I agree that it is something that should be done some place like the article is talking about. Oddly enough, around me the cyclists have largely been good on big shared-use paths, in the sense that people who are capable of riding faster generally don't exceed roughly 15mph. E-bikes have changed that, however, and it's gotten to the point where people are riding things that are functionally weak motorcycles and only nominally "bikes". They zip along at 20-25mph on what's basically an extra-wide sidewalk. A couple have even popped up with full-on windscreens. The other motorized "pedestrians" are just as bad -- e-scooters and those one-wheel things. They're powered and have no trouble maintaining the speed limit on the road, they should probably be in the bike lane or the road itself.
mybluemake: ukexpat: Correct. And I note that new speed limit appears to be the result of speeding e-bikes. As a man-powered roadie I have no problem with a 15mph limit on a bridge like that.
My walking commute, yes, crosses over the same mostly separated bike lane twice each way ( eat shiat allowing construction to shut down sidewalk and crossing city of Seattle). Now, that commute is often in the twilight or dark both ways. I'm being more cautious than when I lived here before because of the growing amount of faster, bigger ebikes. It's startling because they are so quiet, essentially silent in the loud transit and car corridor on that short route. I kinda want one, but some of these folks ride like dicks.
I'm now one of those assholes with an e-bike in Seattle. My apologies for those that can't figure it out. I didn't mean to, but the boy's got a long way to get to school and I didn't want to drive him so he's got my car now. Meh, we live in civilization, so I converted my 20 year old way out of date mountain bike.
I'm up north on Freemont, so it's like a bike freeway here and over on 2nd. Generally you don't run into many pedestrians. But I grew up on a bike in downtown Frankfurt. I'm well aware I'm bringing more dangerous gear than you are, so if I'm approaching, you'll hear me. If I yell in German, again, apologies, it's habit.
/civilized the old beast
//yes, you can fit a 12 pack in the trunk
winedrinkingman: I remember back in 2005 I had a buddy who tried to ticket bicyclists because he was clocking them going around 45 mph in a heavily pedestrian traveled road that had a cap of 20 mph. These were high performance bikes with space age carbon frames traveling downhill.
The judges did not agree with the tickets and told him to knock it off.
There is a highly trafficked bike trail running west from Minneapolis about 30 miles. There's a section in Minnetonka (where all the rich people live) where there are about 10 driveways that cross the trail. They put stop signs on the trail at both sides of every driveway. So technically a bicycle would stop, ride 75 feet, stop, ride 75 feet, stop, about 10 times. For farking driveways, with clear sight lines where you can clearly see no one is coming. So of course those signs were ignored by everybody.
At one point a Hennepin county park police officer decided she would park herself there and shoot fish in a barrel. She was there pulling over bicyclists writing tickets for about two weeks. I witnessed her pushing an old man off the trail as he was pedaling about 5 miles an hour. It had all the local bicycle forums buzzing. It was kind of hilarious.
DRTFA: jaivirtualcard: From what I read in some previous fark thread one fark cyclist said that the spandex was more of a practical thing instead of shorts flying all over the place and was usually provided by local shops needing to sponsor their products.
So spandex wearing isn't necessarily the indicator of a douchebag.
I'm wearing spandex right now, after finishing a nice morning ride, so I'm getting a kick out of this thread.
/ I'm also pooping at the moment, which is why I'm on Fark.
Please take your pants off before doing that.
stuffy: Still trying to figure out how to put a diesel on a bicycle.
rohar: I'm now one of those assholes with an e-bike in Seattle. My apologies for those that can't figure it out. I didn't mean to, but the boy's got a long way to get to school and I didn't want to drive him so he's got my car now. Meh, we live in civilization, so I converted my 20 year old way out of date mountain bike.
I'm up north on Freemont, so it's like a bike freeway here and over on 2nd. Generally you don't run into many pedestrians. But I grew up on a bike in downtown Frankfurt. I'm well aware I'm bringing more dangerous gear than you are, so if I'm approaching, you'll hear me. If I yell in German, again, apologies, it's habit.
[ image 850x637]
/civilized the old beast
//yes, you can fit a 12 pack in the trunk
I'm confused at your setup but intrigued. The pack feeds a motor installed at your crank? Replacing crank arm?
Based on that photo, there's not a lot of room for bikes and pedestrians.
LewDux: Looks spandexy to me
Her videos in shorts and a cropped top are even better.
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