
Bluebeam Draw Circle To Scale

The appearance of the Radius measurement is configurable, including line and fill color, hatch pattern, line width and style, opacity, plus the font style of the caption and whether or not to show it.

To change the appearance of a Radius measurement, select it and click the Properties tab.Go to View > Tabs > Properties or press ALT+P to show the Properties tab if it is hidden.

Closed Appearance Properties

Color: Sets the line color.

Fill Color: Sets a fill color.

Highlight: Makes the fill color and/or hatch pattern transparent so underlying content shows through.

Hatch: Sets a hatch pattern. The associated color selector sets the line color of the hatch pattern.

Scale: Sets the scale of the hatch pattern, from 50 (half the default scale) to 200 (twice the default scale).

Opacity: Sets the line opacity, from 0 (invisible) to 100 (opaque).

Fill Opacity: Sets the fill and hatch pattern opacity, from 0 (invisible) to 100 (opaque).

Line Width: Sets the thickness (in points) of the line. A setting of 0 effectively renders the line invisible.

Style: Determines the line pattern.

Show Centroid: Select to show the geometric center of the shape. If necessary, the caption will be automatically adjusted to be below the centroid.

Font: Sets the font used for the selected text. Available fonts are divided into three regions:

  • The first region shows all fonts used in the currently selected text element.
  • The second region lists the standard PDF fonts that are supported by all PDF viewers. These fonts do not need to be embedded in the PDF when used, thereby cutting down on file size.
  • The third shows all other available fonts. When used, these fonts need to be embedded in the PDF.

Note: If you attempt to embed a font for which the viewing and editing permissions do not allow formatting, Revu will display a message indicating the font will not be embedded in the PDF.

Font parameters are retained in the PDF such that even if the original font is not embedded or on the viewer's workstation, a suitable representation of the font will be substituted.

Font Size: Sets the size of the font. While the list shows sizes ranging from 2 to 72, font sizes between 1 to 144 points are supported; just enter the desired size manually. Also, values with up to one digit after the decimal point can be used.

Text Color: Sets the color of text.

Font Style: These settings control the formatting of the text. Options include Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough. Generally, any combination of these styles can be applied to format the text.

Bluebeam Draw Circle To Scale


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